On the same day that I started my first day as a driver for door dash, we started puppy training classes part 2.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Weekend Vlog: February 28 to March 2
Welcome back to the weekend vlog recap. This weekend we will be starting a new job but we will keep with the weekend vlog.
Friday: Tonight, I work on laundry and then wrote my work vlog recap.
Saturday: I went to spend time with my family and then just relaxed for the rest of the night.
Sunday: I spent the morning with doing my second job and then took a fee hours to do puppy training and shopping. Then I went back to my second job and finished around 5pm.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Work Vlog: February 24 to 28
Welcome back to the last work vlog of February!
Monday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids.
Tuesday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids.
Wednesday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids.
Thursday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids.
Friday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Spring Cleaning Introduction
Spring is right around the corner and every year, I enjoy getting rid of things and this year will be no different but don't worry I will be sharing about it on here.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Why I got a second job
I know that many of you will wonder why I got a second job and it's mostly so I am not living paycheck to paycheck. I hate doing that.
I decided to sign up for door dash and started doing it on Wednesday but I didn't offically started until Sunday (March 2nd).
I will be doing weekly work vlog recaps that will be different from my other job.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Weekend vlog: February 21 to 23
Welcome back to the final weekend vlog recap for the month of February.
Friday: I made it back home and started my laundry since I knew that I was going up to my parents house tomorrow and wont be back until Sunday. I then wrote my work vlog recap.
Saturday: I got up and then headed up to my parents house after packing. I also started to work on my fanfiction.
Sunday: I spent the morning with the dogs and then headed home around noon. I then just relaxed for the rest of the day before writing my weekend vlog recap.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Hello March 2025
Welcome back to a new monthly preview! I can't believe how fast this year is going by and we are in the third month of the year.
This month, we have five birthdays on four different days (March 4, March 10, March 11, and March 19). We have Daylight savings begins and spring. We also have St. Patrick's day 2025.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Goodbye February 2025
It's time to say goodbye to the month of February. I can't believe that this month has come and went so fast.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Weekend vlog: February 21 to 23
Welcome back to the final weekend vlog recap for the month of February.
Friday: I made it back home and started my laundry since I knew that I was going up to my parents house tomorrow and wont be back until Sunday. I then wrote my work vlog recap.
Saturday: I got up and then headed up to my parents house after packing. I also started to work on my fanfiction.
Sunday: I spent the morning with the dogs and then headed home around noon. I then just relaxed for the rest of the day before writing my weekend vlog recap.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Work vlog: February 17 to 21
Welcome to another work vlog. It is time for another recap.
Monday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Tuesday: Today was another good day with the kids.
Wednesday: We were a little busy with the kids.
Thursday: Today was another good day with the kids.
Friday: Today was a really good day with the kids.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Weekend vlog: February 14 to 16
Welcome back to another weekend vlog. This week, we added another day to the weekend due to a snow day. I hope that you had a wonderful Valentine's day with your love ones.
Thursday: I was able to come home and just relaxed for the rest of the night.
Friday: I was able to get some things done before heading up to my parents house for Valentine's day. I ended up canceling my movie because of the weather.
Saturday: Today I spent some time with my mom and the dogs before heading home but it was after we had some yummy food and dutch bros. I did decide to go see my movie that I was supposed to see the night before.
Sunday: I went to spend time with my mom and went shopping. I then came home and worked on the blog posts and finished doing the weekend chores.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Day in the life: February 14, 2025
Written on February 15, 2025
This morning, I ended up calling out due to the snow which didn't matter since my work decided to close. I spent the most of the morning, sleeping because I did not get any sleep the night before due to the snow.
I got up and wrote my work vlog recap and then I packed a bag because my dad was coming to get me and little did i know that I would end up moving my mom's car up to the mountain.
I spent the rest of the day with my family.
Happy Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Day in the life: February 13, 2025
Written on February 13, 2025
This morning, I got up and ready for the day. I was actually surprised that they did not close us but it's okay. Hopefully this storm will wait until I get home.
I made it to work and managed to see as it started to snow at nine am. My work sent me home about an hour later and the roads were already started to get bad. I did managed to stay to the main roads because that way if My dad had to get me then he could.
It took me nearly an hour to get home and then I just relaxed for the rest of the day.
We will see if we have to work tomorrow.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Driving in the snow
I am not a fan of driving in the snow but it's either this or just wait for my dad. It took me nearly an hour to get home.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Work Vlog: February 10 to 14
Welcome back to another work vlog recap. This week we are expecting snow and freezing rain on Thursday and Friday.
Monday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Tuesday: Today was another good day with the kids.
Wednesday: Today was a busy day with the kids but for some reason it feels like a Friday.
Thursday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids before heading home as the snow hit.
Friday: I stayed home because of the snow.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Monday, February 17, 2025
President's Day 2025
Today we honor those who have served and currently serve as our president however I do not celebrate Trump.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Weekend Vlog: February 7 to 9
Welcome back to another weekend vlog. This weekend we have the superbowl.
Friday: Today I worked on blog posts and my laundry since I knew that I would not have time to do it tomorrow.
Saturday: I spent time with my mom and had lunch with her friend before going to see a movie.
Sunday: We went to the superbowl party that my cousin had.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Friday, February 14, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Work vlog: February 3 to 7
Welcome back to this week's work vlog recap. We had a couple of mornings where it was icey and/or snowing.
Monday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Tuesday: Today was pretty good day with the kids.
Wednesday: Today was another good day.
Thursday: Today was another good day with the kids. However I do wish that we could get them outside.
Friday: Today was a good day and we were able to get them outside.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Weekend Vlog: January 31 to February 2
Welcome back to another weekend vlog where I did not get anything done that I needed to get done.
Friday: Today, I cleaned up my car and bags before going inside to start laundry. I also wrote my work vlog recap. I did change the calendars before going to bed.
Saturday: I did laundry and just rested for the rest of the day. I did get interputed on my resting to take my friend shopping.
Sunday; I went to church online and then cleaned my kitchen and took out a massive amount of trash that I needed to take out. I wrote the blog posts for this week along with the weekend vlog.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Preparing for Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is this Friday and it's time to prepare for it.
This year, I have some new things to put out and I was hoping for Valentine's Day lights but it just did not work out. I think that I am going to look for Red and white Christmas lights and just make those for Valentine's Day.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Work Vlog: January 27 to 31
Welcome back to another work vlog and this week, I am hoping for a full work week. My co-teacher was gone for two days and it was super nice.
Monday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Tuesday: Today was a super good day with the kids.
Wednesday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Thursday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Friday: Today was a super good day with the kids
Friday, February 7, 2025
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Weekend Vlog: January 24 to 26
This weekend had a lot of relaxing but also had many nights of cleaning. I can't believe that this is the last weekend of January.
Friday: When I got off of work, I knew that I needed to go to UPS store to drop off an amazon return before heading home. Then I started working on the blog posts and then started laundry.
Saturday: I relaxed for most of the morning before going to see a movie. I finished laundry and blogs before turning in for the night.
Sunday: I relaxed this morning before hanging out with one of my friends before coming back and getting things done.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Upgrading from S24+ to 25+?
I was not sure about this but I decided to jump to the new phone and it's going to be fine.
Don't get me wrong, I did love the 24+
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
First chance of snow
This past weekend was our first chance of snow and it tried to snow on Sunday night
Monday, February 3, 2025
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Hello February
Welcome back to another monthly preview. I am really hoping that February is better than January.
This month, we have two birthdays and then my best-friend's anniversary before Valentine's Day and President's Day 2025.
We sadly do not have any days off of work but we are expecting snow so we will see what happens there.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Goodbye January 2025
What a month January has been.
This month has been the hardest. From getting a new president to finding out that my great-uncle passed away.
I ended up taking two days off of work.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Work vlog: January 20 to 24
Welcome back to another work vlog recap.
Monday: Today was a good day with the kids before heading home and relaxing.
Tuesday: Today was another good day with the kids before having a staff meeting at the end of the day.
Wednesday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Thursday: I did not go to work since I was sick
Friday: Today was another good day with the kids.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Weekend vlog: January 17 to 19
Welcome back to a new weekend vlog. I can't believe that we are in the third weekend of 2025. It's also the last weekend of Joe Biden's presidency.
Friday: Tonight I worked on finishing laundry and then packing for the trip that we are about to take.
Saturday: We loaded up and headed to my aunt and uncle's house. We spent the whole day as a family.
Sunday: We came back home and just relaxed for the day before going to shop and then finished doing laundry.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Work vlog: January 13 to 17
It's time for another work vlog recap. This week was a full week.
Monday: Today was a good day with the kids.
Tuesday: Today was another good day at work.
Wednesday: Today was another good day with the kids.
Thursday: Today was a little bit more harder with the kids but it was all good. I also got to work my old schedule.
Friday: Today was a pretty good day with the kids.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Weekend vlog: January 10 to 12
Welcome back to another weekend vlog recap. I can't believe that we are in the second weekend of 2025.
Friday: I came home and just relaxed for the rest f the night before starting my laundry.
Saturday: I spent the morning with my mom before heading home and just relaxing for the rest of the night. I also worked on finishing up my laundry.
Sunday: This morning, I took it easy before it was time to go to the puppy class and then came home and work on blogs.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Work vlog: January 6 to 10
Welcome back to the work vlog recap! We are officially in our second week of work for this year.
Monday: Today was a good day however one of the kids should have been sent home.
Tuesday: Today was a good day however one of the kids should have been sent home. We did have a new kid start in our room today.
Wednesday: Today was a good day however one of the kids should have been sent home.
Thursday: Today was a good day however one of the kids should have been sent home.
Friday: Today was a good day however one of the kids should have been sent home.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Weekend vlog: January 3 to 5
Welcome back to another weekend vlog. This weekend was focusing on getting better emtionally after learning that my great-uncle passed away on Thursday night.
Thursday: I came home and just tried to relax a little.
Friday: Today I did not do much but start laundry and went shopping. I was also working on the blog posts for this week.
Saturday: I ended up driving out to Longview to see if the Big Lots had anything that I wanted and they have some but that was it. I also started doing my laundry.
Sunday: I just took it easy today and went to Joann's because I needed to get some Fabric tape. I also clean up my kitchen and then wrote the weekend vlog.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Work vlog: December 30 to January 3
It's time for the work vlog to start now that we have celebrated the New Years! For the first three days of the work week is feature in the week in my life: December 29 to January 1st.
Thursday: Today was a good day until I found some bad news tonight before leaving work. My work offered that I take Friday to heal and have some time to process what happen on New Years Eve.
Friday: I did not end up going to work.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Weekly vlog: December 29 to January 1st
This week will be a little bit more busy than the weekend and last week.
Monday: This morning, I got up and got my birthday drink before spending time with family.
Tuesday: I decided to stay home and just relax for New Years Eve. I don't know if I will make it to midnight
Wednesday: Today I just relaxed and got ready for the work week that is only two days long.
Now it's time to go back to work!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Day in the life: January 3, 2025
Written on January 3, 2025
This morning, I got up around my normal time before just laying there for quite a while.
I got up and got dress before heading to the store for the party that is on Sunday.
Then I came home and worked on blogs before going to bed.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Great uncle's passing
My great-uncle ended up passing away on December 31, 2024. I ended up finding out about it on January 2, 2025.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Day in the life: December 31, 2024
Written on January 1, 2025
This morning, we got up and just had an easy morning before heading home. I decided to fold laundry and get some laundry done before midnight.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Weekend Vlog: December 27 to 29
Welcome back to the last weekend vlog of 2024! I can't believe that it came this fast and now it's time to relax before my birthday and New Years Eve and day.
Friday: Today I took down the rest of the Christmas decoration and managed to put them away. Now it's time to enjoy the rest of the weekend and start the weekend vlog.
Saturday: It's time to do my laundry and then it's time to work on the blogs for next week. I also need to find the second calendar for my bedroom so I can change it for 2025. I can't believe that it's already time for it.
Sunday: Today I went to church and then went to the puppy class. When I came back from the puppy class, I worked on the blogs and made sure that they are ready to go for this week. I also changed the title of Life as a 34 year old blog to Life as a 35 year old considering that tomorrow is my birthday. I also folded and put away all of my laundry for this week.
Well it's time to go back to the week in my life since this week, we don't have work until Thursday.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Day in the life: December 30, 2024
Written on December 31, 2024
This morning, I woke up and got ready to go. My sister decided to come pick me up and then we went to get dutch before going to jump with her kids. We went get some lunch and then headed to grandma's house.
Then we headed to the house where I could not find my phone for about twenty minutes and then I found it.
My sister, her kids, and myself had a sleep over which turned to be a long night.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Birthday gifts
Mom: Harry Potter candles
dad: NA
Grandma: Money
Casey: Harry Potter painting
Co-teacher: Harry Potter key chain
Sister: Sleepover and jumping
Monday, January 13, 2025
Evening to do: December 29 to January 4
* Write weekend vlog recap
* Fold and put away laundry
* Hang up shirts and sweaters
* Charge devices
* Write weekend vlog recap
* Reset alarms for Thursday and Friday
* Change batteries
* Change scents
* Write day in the life
* Change calendar
* Write next week's evening plans in planner and phone
* Write day in the life
* Plan next week
* Plan weekend
* Write weekly recap
* Write day in the life
* Write next week's weekly to do list in planner and phone
* Charge devices
* Change sheets
* Change shower curtain
* Clean room
* Write work vlog recap
* Clean car
* Clean work bag
* Clean car bag
* Change dvd
* Reset alarms
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Weekly vlog: December 23 to 28
Well, hello there! It's time to recap the first half of the winter break. There are about three day in the lives that will come out of this week for your enjoyment.
Monday: Tonight I just relaxed and took it easy as it's the first night of our winter break.
Tuesday: Today I spent time up at my parent's house to wrap presents before heading to my grandma's house.
Wednesday: Today I spent time with my family.
Thursday: I came back home this morning and as I was driving home, I ended up with a stick in the button of the car that I had to get out. I took down about half of the Christmas decorations.
Friday: Today I took down the rest of the Christmas decoration and managed to put them away. Now it's time to enjoy the rest of the weekend and start the weekend vlog.
Saturday: It's time to do my laundry and then it's time to work on the blogs for next week. I also need to find the second calendar for my bedroom so I can change it for 2025. I can't believe that it's already time for it.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Christmas Gifts
Now that Christmas is done, it's time what I got for Christmas.
Secret Santa: Socks and hat that were both Harry Potter
Dad: Cooking set
Mom: Harry Potter puzzle and Game
Co-teacher: bath bomb, and oriantment, candy
Grandma: Baked goods
Day in the life: December 25, 2024
Written on December 25, 2024
This morning, I woke up at 4am to let the dog outside and then the cat out of the guest room. I ended up falling back to sleep until 8am.
We had breakfast and then opened presents. We rest for the rest of the day before having Christmas dinner.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Day in the life: December 24, 2025
Written on December 24, 2024
This morning, I was rudely awoken at 5am but I fell back to sleep until 8am. I got ready for the day and headed up to my parents house where I finished wrapping all the presents.
For the rest of the day, I just watched Harry Potter before heading to my grandma's house to have dinner and then open presents.
I did decided to stay the night.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Evening to do: December 22 to 28
* Clean bedroom
* Charge devices
* Fold and put away laundry
* Hang up shirts and sweaters
* Write weekend vlog
* Change scent
* Change batteries
* Write day in the life
* Write work vlog recap
* Write next week's evening to do in planner and phone
* Write day in the life
* Plan weekend
* Write day in the life
* Plan next week
* Write next week's weekly to do list in planner and phone
* Charge devices
* Write Christmas week vlog recap
* Clean car and windows
* Clean work bag
* Change dvd
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
A new house with Christmas Lights
This house was out in the middle of nowhere and the lights were pretty. I don't think that we are going to go back out there again.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Christmas on Franklin Street
This has been a annual of mine to go to Franklin Street and this year did not disappoint me.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Planning prep
So the week before winter break, I knew that I needed to plan what I was going to hopefully do but that did not happen which makes me really sad.
Now I have to do it within the next couple of weeks.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Posting schedule for 2025
I have been thinking about the schedule posting and I am pretty sure that I am just going to post every single day.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Posting schedule for January 2025
Because I am a little bit behind on blog posts for 2024, I need to catch up on those before I share what my schedule will be for 2025.
This month, I will be posting every single day.
Friday, January 3, 2025
New posts coming 2025
We have a lot of blog posts coming to you that is brand new as soon as I catch up on the December vlogs that did not make the month.